Tuesday, May 31, 2011


A tornado hit Joplin, Mo. on Sunday night. It left the town in the dark without any phone lines or anything. Reporters say it was in direct line of the tornado. About 30 people were killed and 11 bodies were picked up in one location. The local hospital had to be abandoned because it caught on fire. This tornado was just part of a deadly string of them that has killed hundreds of people in the past few months.
These tornadoes are really sad and tragic. Many lives have been lost in only a few months because of them. I think people within those areas should move to a different, safer location for the time being where there are few tornadoes. I think people should donate money and volunteer to help rebuild and clean up the mess.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Acid Rain

1.) List a few of the gases which lead to acid rain.
Sulfur and Nitrogen oxide.
2.) What is the source of much of the acid rain producing gases in Pennsylvania?
The coal burning in power plants, cars, and agricultural sector.
3.) Briefly explain how acid rain forms.
It forms when sulfur oxide and nitrogen oxide combine together with water sulfuric acid and nitric acid and then mixed with rainwater, fall to the earth as acid rain.